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MLS170 Watertight Panel Lights for Rugged Environments

NVG Compatible & NVIS Compliant per MIL-85762A and MIL-STD-3009


Main Features

Watertight assembly – environmentally sealed.

Complete with O-ring and mounting hardware.

Ordering Information

The lower case xx in the suffix designates the NVIS Color per the NVIS Color Table.

The upper case XX in the suffix designates the voltage per the Electrical Rating Table.

Figure 1 Example: L-MLS170WP-NVIS-GA28 is a clear lens panel light using an internal NVIS Green A 28V LED Lamp

Figure 2 Example: L-MLS175WP-NVIS-GA28 is a NVIS Green A lens panel light using an internal White 28V LED lamp